🚚 Delivery times and purchase conditions
At Ozoshop, we carefully select our products to ensure they are of the highest quality and most affordable. Products are shipped directly from the manufacturer with no additional fees or shipping charges.
Shipping times vary depending on the type of product. On average, delivery takes one to three weeks. In some cases, shipping times can be as long as 13 to 35 business days, depending on the shipping company's policy.
After placing the order, the customer receives a tracking number to check the status of the shipment at every stage. When the package arrives at the collection point, an SMS message will be sent with the collection details.
For questions and inquiries, our customer service is always available at: info@uzoshop.co.il
🚚 Delivery Time and Purchase Conditions
At Uzo Shop, we carefully select our products to ensure they are among the highest quality and best value. Our products are shipped directly from the manufacturer, with no additional fees or shipping costs.
Delivery times vary depending on the product. On average, delivery takes from one to three weeks. In some cases, shipping may take between 13 to 35 business days, based on the shipping company's policy.
Once an order is placed, customers receive a tracking number to monitor their shipment at any stage. Upon arrival at the pickup location, an SMS notification will be sent with all necessary details for collection.
For any inquiries, our customer support team is always available at: info@uzoshop.co.il